About Me?

Do you really need to know anything about me? Is it that important to the insignificance of your life, the monotony, to know every little detail of a complete stranger. Maybe you were hoping for something you could connect to, something to make you feel better about your mortality; you adorable little cosmic speck. Thats all we are,  dust in the wind. The cosmic wind. So might as well tell you all that is to be known about me.

So we will begin with my birth... hmm... how about let's not. All you need to know is I was born, not hatched and I was conceived normally. Not at all like the weird hair tentacle, animal riding; sex stuff that happens in that mediocre Pocahontas ripoff (Avatar). I have not had what you kids like to call
the sexual relations.

I'm human just like i'd assume everyone else reading this blog is (including you NSA). I'm average too, well as average as any multi celled organism can be. Like many people my age , my venting is through gaming. It is that one thing that has been with me most of my life. Friends come and go, but that little Italian plumber has stuck around. I may have ditched my kids games for some more mature
things, but Pokemon, Zelda and Mario have a lasting effect.

Comic Books, yes I read a lot of them. So many that I couldn't tell you which one and at what time my eyes first glanced upon. It may have been Garfield, or an Archie my grandmother gave me. It really doesn't matter because in the long run nothing you do in life matters. What I do enjoy in this mortal point of existence is a good Batman story, or something involving my favourite mutant ; Wolverine.

My sexual preference or orientation doesn't really matter. I have the idea that emotional connection means more than the gender a person is. That is not to say I don't find people attractive, I guess i'm taken to finding those we call female attractive. That is not to say I wouldn't date a guy, its really not as big of a deal as people make of it. Whatever makes you happy, guys and gals. Which would bring me to the topic of this thing humans call religion, I won't begin to share my opinion about.

In the end I'm just a lonely down to earth geek who likes to share his mind and humour with the world. I live life how i'd like to live it, because i only have one life. If it means i'm going to cut a few classes, I will. My history major in the end will only get me so much, life is so much more.

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