Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Best of the best X-Men Part 1 of 2 (because i couldn't think of a full list, jeez).

With the new film coming up, I will be taking a look at my top 10 X-Men. This is based on the main 616 X-Men story arc and their appearances in film and cartoon. The powers are those exhibited by the main earth versions. Remember it is opinion based, you can suggest things in the comments.

Nightcrawler [Kurt Wagner]

Powers: Teleportation (looked awesome in X2) , Prehensile Tail, Infared Vision (Is there anything this guy doesn't have).
Nightcrawler is still and always be my favourite. Part of it is because of his character in X2 (which I loved), and he can freakin teleport, man. His powers are some of the most unique and the poof of blue smoke gives some added effect to an already awesome character. The fact that he is the son of
Mystique (hot) and Azazel makes him even more cool.

Wolverine [James "Logan" Howlett]

Powers: Superhuman Senses, Super strength, claws (Bone and Admantium), Healing Factor (It's kind of overused now), delayed aging.
The number one reason Wolverine is so high on the list is because of his sideburns , jk jk. Wolverine deserves to be on the list just based on the fact of how important he is to comics. He has an interesting backstory, tragic but good. Wolverine has seen his fair share of fights. Other than starring in one crappy movie, Hugh Jackman has really done the character justice, with his sarcasm and no fucks given attitude. Wolverine doesn't need to rely on others.

Rogue [Anna Marie]

Powers: Power Absorption, Deadly touch
Rogue is one of the most attractive women in comics. She also has unique and deadly powers, she can kill most people with just a touch. It makes things difficult for her, but that doesn't stop her from being awesome. She is so dangerous that Magneto was going to use to kill a large number of people in the first film. Rogue's relationship with Gambit is also one of the most d'awe in comics. I'm not a huge Gambit fan, but I love Rogue; especially the Rogue played by Anna Paquin.

Cyclops [Scott Summers]

Powers: Optic Blasts
Okay, so the only reason Cyclops is number four on my list is that he is a leader of the X-Men. I'm not a huge fan of the character, based on his arrogance and his relationship towards Logan. I will admit he is an important character and that is why he is so high on the top 10 list. I think his powers are kind of silly, shooting lasers from his eyes is kind of dumb. And come on man it is obvious your wife is less than faithful.

Beast [Dr. Hank McCoy]

Powers: Superhuman Strength, Speed (not the drug), Superhuman Stamina, Superhuman agility, Durability , Claws and fangs
Beast is cool; he's big, he's blue and he's hairy and he's super friggin smart. He is a key part of the X-Men as the team's scientist and expert on mutations. What I like most about beast is how animal like he is, yet at the same time his level of humanity. Beast is like a hairy genius Wolverine without the Adamantium skeleton or the Alcoholism.

End of Part One

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