Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Don't sit in my chair! The sketchy maybe not legal adventures of a curious student.

So this is more a story than a post related to my hobbies and loves. I'm going to stray from my norm and talk about my day. Sounds boring right, well it's not so don't you dare stop reading now. Okay maybe it will only be slightly intriguing, leave if you may but I will be very grumpy, jk jk. So it started off kind of normal, I was walking around downtown with friends because I have a social life, okay... and I live in a place where you can walk around downtown without a fear of getting stabbed and the homeless people are just as friendly as any other Canadian. Stop and talk to them sometime, they actually have something to say.

Moving on though, we were feeling kind of bored so for the first time in my life I found myself exploring random alleyways and taking pictures. Hey, graffiti is pretty neat. I have a new found appreciation for "vandalism" that isn't penises or obscenities. It is by no means vandalism if there
is any artistic impression in and it is not defamatory. So I stopped and took some pictures of the scribbles because art is meant to be appreciated isn't it? Other than the graffiti it was kind of dirty and creepy back there, beer cans, cigarette butts, other random "shit" that I couldn't really put a name to. It seemed like the kind of place a deal would go down because you couldn't see it from the sidewalk. I felt a tad bit uneasy.

My adventure did not end there as somehow we eventually found ourselves in an abandoned antique shop covered in blood and not knowing who we were, actually kidding about the blood and amnesia. We ended up there because one of us wanted to go to an antique shop that it turned out didn't exist anymore. What we found was a large open room full of saw dust and construction materials and a random toy chair to go with our new home. The place had old checkered floors that nobody uses anymore because it is so out of style and the wood looked like it was from the ark. What was weird was that the place was unlocked and you could just go upstairs to where the shop once was. It was like they had never learned to lock doors. If it was anyone else things might have got stolen, I'm not even sure that it was illegal since the place was unlocked and there were no signs saying that we couldn't be there.

There was a random art studio shoved way at the back and unlike the rest of the place it did look like it wasn't abandoned. So at that point we realized we probably shouldn't be there.

That made for probably one of the most interesting days that has happened to me recently. Having a social life makes for a good time.

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