Thursday, April 17, 2014

Reasons Why I Won't buy into the console debate.

I'm kind of behind the time when it comes to video game consoles, but at this point in time I pretty much refuse to upgrade. Newer isn't always better, and I am content with what I have now. This consumer culture that we live in, always portrays the newest thing as being better than everything else that has come before it. I don't buy this, not one bit. It may have to do with a technology course I took or it may be the fact that it just don't give a giant fuck about the console war.

So while people are out buying their Xbox ones and PS4s , nerd raging about which is better and getting mad at the lack of good content; I will be at home with a bottle of wine being sophisticated and playing my console that is now 8 years old. I can just sit and laugh and enjoy my "old" games.
I have no problem still playing games that are old news. I will not buy into the system (bad pun) of buying something because someone else has it.

I don't care which one is selling more; the PS4 or the Xbox One. I also do not care about graphical differences, so if the gaming world would just shut up it would be just grand. There is absolutely nothing revolutionary about either system and the game line up so far has been lacklustre. The games
that are coming up that I want are being released on previous generation consoles and yes maybe they won't look as good, but why pay the extra money for something that is not worth it.

What a lot of people fail to understand is that most next gen games come to PC and generally run better and look better. The so called "next gen" consoles are reaching graphical levels that the PC was capable of quite a while ago. No, i'm not a PC gamer ; but I refuse to believe that "those graphics are rad bro!" and "Holy shit, the gameplay." Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

I recently bought a WiiU for the reason that the upcoming lineup looks better than both next gen systems. Sure, the WiiU has had a slow start with very little content, but the future looks promising. Nintendo knows how to continuously deliver games that are incredibly fun. Like how much fun would drunken Mario Cart 8 be, or drunken Smash Bros? an extreme amount of that is! Plus, like there's always the potential of a new Legend of Zelda. I enjoy it.

I'll take the Xbox 360 over an Xbox One any day. So that is why I will stay the way I am.

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