Saturday, April 19, 2014

My take on the "Console War" (continued from Neil's post)

    This post is just for fun and I won't go into too much detail into why some games are bad or better than other games for obvious reasons. If you want my honest opinion I can make a post on those later.

     Unlike Neil, I am mostly a PC gamer but my roots spawn from console gaming. Since I spend most of my gaming time on the PC I don't really care about how innovative the new consoles are. Instead of looking at the consoles, I look at the companies and the games coming out on their consoles. The kind of games I play center around reflex, role-playing, teamwork and classic style. Because of my gaming preferences, I own a working original Xbox, Xbox 360 and a Retro gaming console. Hold on, doesn't Playstation have more role-playing games in their game library then Xbox? They do, but we will get on that later.

     Games that I classify as "reflex" are FPS and fighting games. For me, a good FPS game should be strong in all aspects: Story, gameplay and fun factor. In that case, any CoD game past Finest Hour is insignificant to me. Halo is the FPS that influenced my father into buying the Original Xbox for our family thus it was also the first current gen (2000+) game I played. Halo had it all: the story was great, the gameplay was great and it was very fun to play. Later I was introduced to CoD Finest Hour and found its historical based storyline interesting. As the Xbox 360 and PS3 came around, CoD turned into a skill-less FPS with a short and uninteresting storymode. Sony's  FPS genre exclusive was Deadzone. 'Nuff said. Xbox 360 also had CoD, however it had the Halo series as its main FPS exclusive, which was far superior. For fighting games, my first fighting game was Soul Caliber 2. I was introduced to this game by my eldest cousin who owned the Xbox version. He beat me everytime, but that made me want to learn to play so I purchased the game myself and learned on my own time. Soul Caliber 2 quickly became my favorite game to play with my friends and I became good enough to defeat my cousin. Soul Caliber 4 came out when I already owned the Xbox 360 so no need for serious console comparison there. Besides, the Xbox 360 version had Yoda. 'Nuff said.

     My preference in role-playing games is hard to describe so lets start at the beginning. My first role-playing game experience was Baldur's Gate 2, which was once again introduced to me by my eldest cousin. I never got to play it but I watched him play it for hours and was fascinated by the world inside the game. Diverse races, using magic, exploring dungeons and completing quests really influenced my creative side as a kid. I was never able to get my hands on that game (until recently) but I could have gotten my hands on Final Fantasy games if I got a PS2. Now here was the dilemma. The gameplay style that the PS2 final fantasy games had were confusing to me as a kid and still are to this day. The modern day final fantasy games, like FF13, are just plain bad in many aspects. The storylines from some of the games were also too "asian" for me (i'm looking at you FF10). "But Ryan, what about Kingdom of Hearts?" I nope so much at that series i've run out of nope refills. 'Nuff said. Xbox 360 didn't offer many RPGs, but there was Blue Dragon, ES4: Oblivion and Fallout 3. Original Xbox had ES3: Morrowind but I didn't know that existed until I got Oblivion.

     Teamwork games are games that require multiple players to complete and/or play. There were no specific games on either console that specificly filled in this spot, but until PC gaming Halo 3 multiplayer was my "teamwork" game. Since one person couldn't carry the whole team (most of the time) fps multiplayer games were a place where you had to rely on your teammates to help win the game (well, atleast back then it was.) Once I got into PC gaming, League of Legends became my "teamwork" game because I was comfortable with the concept. 'Nuff said.

     Classic games have a special place in my heart because it doesn't matter what kind of game it is I will enjoy playing it. To me, classic games exclude anything going into the 3D era or PS1 and above.

     So as you can see, the way I would choose a console would be based on games and not hardware. I do not care if PS4 sold more consoles than Xbox One, considering my game preferences I would buy a Xbox One or a Wii U. Instead of fighting, just pick your console based on what you are comfortable with.


  1. Personally if i was looking for final fantasy and games like that I would have bought a ps3. Based on my experience with both kingdom hearts on the ps2. My first 360 game was Halo: Reach. I can say i enjoy fps on any console.

  2. Heck I can say i enjoy a good game of league just as much as anything else.
