Monday, October 7, 2013

Pokemon X and Y, my childhood renewed

With the release of Pokemon X and Y in a little under a week, 5 days here in North America, my excitement level has been ramped up a little. I mean why wouldn't it be, It's goddam Pokemon man; Yes I know I've been told it's for children, but what does that matter? It doesn't that's the thing, liking Pokemon does not make me any less of an adult. Ive been a Pokemon fan as long as I can remember, 2004 I think or when ever Fire red came out. Yeah ridicule me all you want, I never owned red, blue, or yellow. I have played them.

Hell I grew up with Pokemon for as long as I can remember, it was just as much of my childhood as learning to ride a bike or having my first kiss (that didn't come until age 15 haha). The glory years of Pokemon for me was Emerald, Ruby and Sapphire. Like who didn't like Zangoose, that guy was a true badass, he's a mongoose; that's badass. The Pokemon just looked cooler then, no ice cream cones or random piles of garbage, they were more practical. I still have to say that generation two looked the coolest.

For me X and Y are the DS Pokemon's chance to redeem itself, after years of making completely ridiculous looking Pokemon ( exception being Dialga, Palkia and Lukario). Sure those games have a floating  sword, but at least it looks neat. Nintendo was getting sloppy and unimaginative for a while.
I know Pokemon games are in high demand, but seriously why Black and White 2? that was one stupid idea. Pokemon Black and White were decent enough games, but its just milking the cash cow.

I like some of the features that are coming to X and Y. The character costume customization is an idea they should have implemented long ago. The legendaries look awesome. The idea of Megaevolutions is awesome. Another good thing they are bringing is the ability to choose one of the original starters along with the new X and Y starters, that is an idea I've always wanted; however, it leaves me the problem of having two fire starters. Male and female Pokemon with actual noticeable differences is also a plus side.
The games just look so awesome, OMG OMG OMG OMG *shudders* *Nerdgasm*.

If this is what new Pokemon looks like, keep em coming Nintendo!

New Pokemon I am excited for:

  • Fennekin
  • Pangoro
  • Noivern
  • Pyroar
  • Yveltal


  1. I hear you, man. I'm not the biggest Pokemon fan in the world, but with Arkham origins and Injustice Ultimate edition coming out, I'm double "nerdgasming" as you put it. Good read mate :D

  2. I have to stop buying stuff, or else I'd have Arkham Origins pre-ordered. Oh well. Btw, Im buying all Injustice DLCs.
